Past Programs

Student After Hour Program

​CYC provided funding to the school for this program.  Our goal was to provide a safe place for students to gather to use library resources or to form a study group.  Tutors are also provided on various topics.  

Youth Centers

​Our communities  have vibrant youth centers. It is our mission to continue to support these invaluable safe places for our youth to gather. 

Public Forums

August will bring our 4th Health Awareness Day at the Wilmington Public Beach. Featuring free food, CPR training, Overdose Awareness, Narcan training and more.

Sticker Shock

​Past program.  Project Sticker Shock is designed to reach adults who might purchase alcohol legally and provide it to minors. Stickers warning about the penalties for furnishing alcohol to minors are placed on all multi-packs of beer, alco-pops, and other alcohol products that might appeal to underage drinkers. 

Youth Leadership

This was a past program, ending in 2015. In our efforts to work to engage leadership we brought youth to National Youth Leadership Institutes.  

CYC Leadership Club

This is a past program ending in 2019,  In addition to our middle/high school group we continue an elementary group. CYC Board Member Jason Leon and DeAnna Brown are leading 5th grader CYC Club to help them understand that they can be change agents at their school.

Community Forums

​CYC remains committed to bringing the members of Lake Placid and Wilmington communities up to date information about issues of importance.  Here is a photo of Dr. Kolodney who came and discussed the issue of Opiod and Heroin Addiction in a community forum in November 2016.

Awareness Campaigns

​Join us for our annual Overdose Awareness Day August 27th,

6 to 8 pm Wilmington Town Beach


​From 12/2012 through 12/2016 CYC launched a quarterly publication. The free magazine was designed to deliver prevention information to Adirondack families in an easy-to-read format